Sad news !! ‘LPBW’: Lilah Roloff Passes Out While Tori Snags A Quick Shower

Naturally, the biggest question fans had about this relatable moment was simple: Where was Zach Roloff while Tori was taking a few minutes for self-care?
Tori Roloff experienced something many mothers that follow her on social media found to be super relatable over the weekend. She explained that she had asked her daughter Lilah Ray to go play in her room while she grabbed a quick shower. Lilah’s room was a safe space with plenty of things to keep her entertained while Tori grabbed a much-needed shower.
After getting out of the shower, Tori proceeded to do what any mother in the same situation would do. She ventured to Lilah’s room to open the door and check on her. Now, most mothers agreed it is a risky gamble to open a closed door when a child is not making any noise. Opening the door could disrupt whatever play the child is engaging in. But, a child not making any noise can also be concerning because children tend to make a lot less noise when they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing.
Either way, Tori decided to take the gamble and open the door. Instead of playing in her room while her mother grabbed a shower. Lilah Ray ended up passing out in the middle of her room surrounded by some of her toys. The photo revealed Lilah had been playing with a Disney Moana doll and some clear blocks with colored tops and bottoms when she fell over asleep in the middle of her floor.